Thursday, September 4, 2008

prepare for impact

Seatbelts fastened. Ankles grabbed in braced position. Multiple synapses firing... thoughts flooding my cranium as life continues to lose altitude.
November 4 is accelerating toward us and my window shade is drawn.
Pitbulls with lipstick speeches. Teenage pregnancy scandals. Rumors of dementia. It's almost too much to bear. Thank God we only go through this once every 1,460 days. Listening to my iPod on loop. The usual suspects. Tracey Thorn's "Out of the Woods." Swing Out Sister's "Beautiful Mess." Pizzicato 5's "Big Hits and Jetlags."On the screen... the perennial Project Runway. CNN. HGTV. And hurricane tracking on The Weather Channel.Work. Don't ask.
Film Festival. Just beginning, yet almost over. Brings to mind the refrain that it takes a lot of effort to appear effortless.
A hint of chill in the night air on the tarmac. Farewell to flip-flops (Yes, Julia... we are raising a generation of fallen arches.)DING.The NO SMOKING sign lights up. I forgot to raise my seat tray. Damn, now I need to piss.