Thursday, July 17, 2008

come sit next to me

Humor me. This will only take up three minutes, twenty seconds of your valuable time.... perhaps not even that long. In the span of one Britney Spears "song" (and I do use that term loosely), I will feel much, much better and you can carry on with your boring lives.
Let me start by saying that I refuse to wear a flag pin, or a God Bless America t-shirt, or put a metallic yellow ribbon bumper sticker on my car in support of the troops. While we're on the subject, you won't find a red, pink, or blue ribbon on my bumper either. Personally, I'm just not into causes.
I will not pardon a senior citizen for changing lanes without a signal. I will not tolerate children under the age of 5 -- make that 10 -- ruining my intimate dinner at a nice restaurant. And, I am staunchly opposed to vegetarians and Republicans alike. Oddly enough, most people who don't eat meat are Democrats -- but that's a moot point. One cancels out the other.There are a host of things that I don't like, but conversely there are a couple of things that please me.

But this blog isn't about those things.

This is not a Christmas card. These are a few of my unfavorite things: Cigarette smoke, body odor, poor fashion, ignorance, racism, fascism, narcissism, bad movies, Paris Hilton, lack of humility, cruelty to animals, FOX News, slow internet connections, pickle relish, bologna, traffic, $4 gallon gas, misspelled words, condescension, subpoenas, intolerance,, George Bush, John McCain (wait, did I just say that twice?), poverty, crime, clergy abuse, mascara abuse, abuse in general, insincerity, sociopaths, baggy jeans, hypocrisy, rayon, the color purple.... not the movie or Tony-nominated Broadway production which I think are both fabulous although the play veers sharply from the movie in the second act, tequila, organized religion, unorganized religion, crunchy cereal, Wal-Mart, guns, radishes, lima beans, Lysol Spray, hospitals, rudeness, pollution, flight delays, customer service in India, customer service in Indiana, warm beer, small minds, and rambling blogs. I think that about covers it.